If we have used Dermalise (second skin)
- Please keep the film on for 6 full days. Do your best to keep this on and only remove early if you are having a reaction to the film.
- Residue may build up in the film. This is very normal and will find its way out during a shower, or just dry up inside the film.
- On removal of the film, remember to keep it flat and stretch the film. DO NOT remove in a waxing motion.
- After you have got the film off make sure to wash the tattoo with HOT soapy water. Ensure you rinse it with just hot water at the end to remove any residue or soap.
- From here, wash the tattoo 3 times a day, and pat dry. Use the aftercare cream provided to lightly moisturise the tattoo whenever it feels dry. Remeber less is more with the cream.
AVOID direct sunlight on your tattoo for 4-6 weeks and wear sun protection on your tattoos for the rest of your life as the sun damages tattoo pigment and will effect the tattoo.
If we have used clingfilm. The first 24 hours
- After leaving the studio keep your tattoo wrapped overnight.
- The first wash is the most important. In the morning, unwrap your tattoo and wash with hot water (as hot as you can stand without burning yourself) use a clean hand and un perfumed, antibacterial soap to wipe away any ‘ooze’ that has come to the surface of the skin.
- Once you have thoroughly washed all the ‘oozey’ residue away your tattoo should look the same as any another part of your body and should not feel slippery to the touch. Ensure you have no soap or residue left on the skin.
- Gently dab the tattoo with a clean towel. Do not rub the tattoo as anything abrasive will cause extra damage to the skin.
- Please wash a minimum of three times throughout the day.
After the first 24 hours
- The tattoo should still be washed three times a day for the next 10 days.
- after 48 hours use aftercare cream to lightly moisturise the tattoo.
- REMEMBER Less is more, do not smother your tattoo in the cream as too much can interfere with the healing process.
- Continue with the aftercare cream until the tattoo has completely healed.
- Your tattoo will peel, DO NOT pick the flaking skin as this will affect the healing process. Always wash your hands before touching a new tattoo.
- AVOID direct sunlight on your tattoo for 4-6 weeks and wear sun protection on your tattoos for the rest of your life as the sun damages tattoo pigment and will effect the tattoo.
Any questions please feel free to contact the studio: info@carouseltattoo.co.uk or 01903 366240.